PRFCYS Recreational Spring Program is a pure grade / gender soccer program for players in preschool through 6th grade. Nearly all children are best served by playing soccer in their proper grade / gender group for reasons of safety and skills development.

The Board of Directors at PRFCYS may request proof of grade and / or age to be established. Failure to respond to such request can result in the immediate suspension of the player involved. A Discipline and Rules Committee Hearing may be convened on the matter.

Playing Down

No child at PRFCYS will be considered to play in a division younger than their established grade without a written request from a licensed medical doctor. The PRFCYS BOD VP of the Recreational Program must receive a written request from a parent, prior to team formation, with a doctor’s note attached. The Director or the Director’s designee will evaluate each request on a case-by-case basis, although it is not the clubs intent to allow children to "play down" a division.


Playing Up

Siblings one year apart in age / grade are eligible to participate on the same team. In this scenario, the younger sibling would "play up" in order to participate with their older sibling. Other than this, no child in the PRFCYS Recreational Program may play in an older division.